
Showing posts from August, 2022

A&P - New contact lens wearer

Pt demonstrated good I&R skills in office today after receiving proper training. Edu pt on how to clean and care for contact lenses & maintain proper CLs hygiene. Edu pt to not sleep, swim, or shower in CLs. Edu pt to immediately discontinue CLs wear & RTC for an evaluation if ocular redness, discomfort, or reduction in vision occur. Pt understood all instructions. 


Pt was counseled on the importance of monitoring the condition as directed. Pt understands changes are normal for age. Instructed pt to immediately report any change in condition outside of expected and discussed symptoms. Stressed need to RTC ASAP if acute signs/symptoms of RD are experienced such as but not limited to new onset flashes of light and/or floaters, increased frequency of floaters and/or flashes, or curtaining/reduction of vision. Provided patient with contact information to retinal specialist if emergency occurs during after-hours. Edu pt that floaters and flashes should not be worsening over time, RTC asap (sooner than follow up) if they do. Pt acknowledged understanding of condition and all instructions provided in office.  RTC in 2 weeks for PVD follow up (DFE & Optos).

Ocular Hypertension A&P

IOP lowering treatment is not indicated at this time; continue to monitor condition as directed with yearly IOP checks OU. Edu pt on condition & exam findings. Edu pt on importance of monitoring condition in order to rule out pathological etiologies such as but not limited to glaucoma.

Sudden floaters/flashes in young patient

(+) Flashes/floaters. Discussed condition & exam findings and possible & probable causes for new onset floaters & flashes. Patient understands that condition can also be idiopathic in nature. Reviewed signs and symptoms of retinal tear/detachment and the importance of prompt evaluation should there be an increase in floaters, flashes of light, or decreasing peripheral vision. Follow up in 3 weeks for dilation to evaluate the status of vitreous and retinal health.

A&P Lid Growth / Papilloma

Continue to monitor lid growth. Edu pt to observe for any changes including but not limited to color, size, shape, or texture. If pt notices changes or has associated symptoms, RTC for prompt evaluation, otherwise monitor yearly.

A&P Headache

VF screener OD, OS WNL today. Edu pt on condition & exam findings. Edu pt on possible etiologies for HA (including possible pathological etiologies). Edu pt to continue to monitor for changes in symptoms such but not limited to an increase in frequency/severity of HAs. Edu pt that if condition persists and/or does not improve, then RTC asap for further evaluation. Pt understood all instructions and importance of returning for further evaluation. PARENT VF screener OD, OS WNL today. Edu pt/parent/guardian on condition & exam findings. Edu pt/parent/guardian on possible etiologies for HA (including possible pathological etiologies). Edu pt/parent/guardian to continue to monitor for changes in symptoms such but not limited to an increase in frequency/severity of HAs. Edu pt/parent/guardian that if condition persists and/or does not improve, then RTC asap for further evaluation. Pt/parent/guardian understood all instructions and importance of returning for f...

Referral A&Ps

RETINAL PERIPHERAL EVALUATION: Refer to retina (_______) for a peripheral retinal evaluation OU to ensure there are no holes, breaks or tears that would require treatment. Scheduled apt for patient and provided patient with the retinal specialist's contact information and the apt day/time. Patient understood importance of following up with specialist.

Emails Kelsey Trast <> , Makler Optical <> , Tori Hanson <> , Sierra Suarez <> , Beth Summers <> , Edwin Miller <>

A&P - General for all appointments

Released new spec rx today.   RTC in 1 yr for CEE, unless symptoms arise sooner.  Edu pt on risk of retinal detachments, holes, breaks, and tears. Edu pt on signs/symptoms of retinal detachment including but not limited to sudden onset and/or increase in frequency of floaters and flashes & curtaining/reduction in vision. Edu pt to RTC asap if such symptoms arise for an immediate fundus evaluation. Released new spec rx today. RTC in 1 yr for CEE, unless symptoms arise sooner.  Edu pt and parent on risk of retinal detachments, holes, breaks, and tears. Edu pt and parent on signs/symptoms of retinal detachment including but not limited to sudden onset and/or increase in frequency of floaters and flashes & curtaining/reduction in vision. Edu pt and parent to RTC asap if such symptoms arise for an immediate fundus evaluation.  Edu pt on exam findings. Advised pt on risk of vision loss associated with glaucoma & need for treatment compliance.  Afte...

Papilledema pertinent negative symptoms

  (-) severe/frequent HAs (-) ringing in ears (-) changes in vision noted (-) double vision (-) flickering of vision (-) nausea (-) vomiting