
Showing posts from November, 2022

Crossroads Pharmacy Information Wylie

CROSSROADS PHARMACY WYLIE TEXAS Ph:  (972) 442-4277 615 S, S State Hwy 78 Suite 200, Wylie, TX 75098 LINK TO RX SHEET:  FAX NUMBER (can send rx to this fax number) - also give patient a hard copy: 972-442-4278 Items to include when you fax rx to them for Atropine: Pt name, DOB, pt phone Drug name, directions, quantity (always will be 6 mL with crossroads), refills Doctor's name, NPI, and signature also include clinic phone number

School Excuse Note Dilation (Female & Male)

  MALE SCHOOL EXCUSE WITH DILATION: document/d/ 1uRiDEs1z0jZRzTKiCrBLU- eg75fgJDcjFHXjEz0q1UM/edit? usp=sharing    FEMALE SCHOOL EXCUSE WITH DILATION: document/d/ 1IrvBAfoRJjHpGVTY1BQeYfZNZZl9V ekWHj5TpQecb8A/edit?usp= sharing