A&P - PO s/p CE MKS

1 Day:

Educated pt about findings and reminded pt of post-operative instructions. Use medications as prescribed. RTC for 1 week post op. Edu pt to call clinic STAT if signs/symptoms occur outside of the expected discussed in office today - this includes but is not limited to decreasing vision and significant pain.

1 Week:

Edu pt about findings and all post-operative instructions. Edu pt that all post-operative restrictions have been removed. Edu pt to d/c antibiotic coverage. Use other medications as prescribed. RTC clinic for 1 week post op. Edu pt to call clinic STAT if signs/symptoms occur outside of the expected discussed in office today - this includes but is not limited to decreasing vision and significant pain. 

RTC for 1 mo cat sx PO. RTC sooner if new symptoms occur. 


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