A&P - Glaucoma MKS

Glaucoma - Glaucoma Suspect

POAG suspect based on ______. 
IOP lowering treatment is not indicated at this time; continue to monitor condition as directed. RTC for special testing to rule out glaucoma progression. 

Edu pt on exam findings. Advised pt on risk of vision loss associated with glaucoma & need for treatment & testing compliance.

Glaucoma Continue Treatment

Pt is meeting target IOP in office today - see chart notes for more details. Continue treatment with topical IOP lowering medication as directed. RTC for special glaucoma testing as directed. 

Edu pt on exam findings. Advised pt on risk of vision loss associated with glaucoma & need for treatment compliance. 

Glaucoma Initiate Treatment

Pt's IOP measurements are above ideal target pressure - see chart notes for more details. Initiate treatment with topical IOP lowering medication as directed. RTC for special glaucoma testing as directed.

Edu pt on exam findings. Advised pt on risk of vision loss associated with glaucoma & need for treatment compliance. 

Glaucoma - Severe Stage Referral Statement

Edu pt that she has the option to be managed by OMD (glaucoma specialist) by law due to severe staging of glaucoma. Pt declined and would like to continue care with us. Pt understands risks, benefits, and potential adverse events associated with condition and treatment options. Pt denied, pt wants to continue care at current clinic.

Edu pt on exam findings. Advised pt on risk of vision loss associated with glaucoma & need for treatment compliance.
Edu pt on driving restrictions due to severe staging of glaucoma. Pt understood all instructions.

Glaucoma - Surgical Referral

Pt is not meeting target IOP pressures in office today - see chart notes for more details. SLT surgery indicated at this time - refer pt to ophthalmologist specializing in glaucoma for consult and procedure. Risks and benefits of surgical procedure were discussed with pt in office. Instructed pt to continue using topical IOP lowering medications as prescribed. RTC for special glaucoma testing as directed.

Edu pt on exam findings. Advised pt on risk of vision loss associated with glaucoma & need for treatment compliance.


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