A&P Atropine Initiation

After discussion with parent regarding myopia control options & the risks/benefits of each treatment option, parent decided to begin use of Atropine eye drops. Parent is not interested in CLs or other myopia control options at this time. Edu parent that atropine is not FDA approved at this time (edu parent that this is an off-label use of the medication) and edu pt & parent on possible side effects associated with atropine use - both systemic and ocular. Pt understood all instructions and risks involved with initiation of medication. Pt would like to proceed with atropine use. Sent atropine ____% prescription to Crossroads pharmacy. Edu pt to call the clinic asap (sooner than the scheduled follow up appointment) for an urgent evaluation & to discontinue the medication if unexpected symptoms arise. Edu pt on what symptoms to be aware of that would require an immediate evaluation. Edu pt on how to use medication (qhs in both eyes) and purpose of using the medication. Pt understood all instructions. 

RTC in ______ for atropine myopia control follow up, then follow up every 6 months. 


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