
Released new spec rx today. Edu pt on risk of retinal detachments, holes, breaks, and tears. Edu pt on signs/symptoms of retinal detachment including but not limited to sudden onset and/or increase in frequency of floaters and flashes & curtaining/reduction in vision. Edu pt to RTC asap if such symptoms arise for an immediate fundus evaluation.

Edu pt and parent on importance of dilating the pupils to obtain better view of fundus. Edu pt & parent that without dilation, only limited view of retina is possible. Edu pt and parent on risks associated with not dilating (including possible permanent vision loss due to a limited view of fundus) and pt & parent understood all instructions & risks involved. Despite discussion & explanation of risks involved, pt & parent decided to decline dilation.

No reported pt systemic or ocular hx, no surgeries reported.

No reported family systemic or ocular hx.

AOV: 90 deg R, 90 deg L


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