A&P Referral for peds exam - children's hospital
Edu parent that full ocular examination (examining anterior and posterior segment) was not able to be performed today d/t poor patient cooperation. Refer pt to Children's Health Pediatric Ophthalmologist for further evaluation & to assess comprehensive ocular health. Provided pt with clinic name & contact information. Edu parent to schedule apt with them asap. Edu parent on importance of following up with Children's to ensure ocular health is WNL. Unreliable spectacle rx findings today d/t poor pt cooperation (did not finalize today's manifest rx). Edu pt to follow up with Children's Health pediatric OMD for further evaluation. For other places (not Children's): Refer to pediatric ophthalmologist for second opinion to determine if pt has amblyopia. Poor pt cooperation with obtaining BCVAs - likely reduction in VAs are due to poor pt cooperation rather than amblyopia, but follow up with specialist to confirm. Unable to view anterior & posterior segment ...