A&P - Glasses Rx MKS
GLASSES RX ANISO Edu pt on condition and exam findings. Provided pt with spec rx - rx modified for pt adaptation. Instructed to wear full time. Edu pt on adaptation to new specs. Pt counseled that binocular vision would be improved with Cl wear vs. spec wear. BF/PAL Provided pt with spec rx. Instructed to wear full time. Discussed adaptation to lenses with patient. BF/PAL + OTC READERS OK Edu pt on condition and exam findings. Provided pt with spec rx for BF/PAL if desired to wear as needed/full time. OTC readers are also ok for near vision tasks; pt understands while wearing, distance vision will be blurry. GLASSES RX - LIMITED BY CATARACTS Edu pt on condition and exam findings. Pt understands that cataract development may limit BCVA. Provided pt with spec rx to maximize functional vision at this time. Instructed to wear full time. Pt counseled that rx will change after cataract surgery GLASSES RX - NONE REQUIRED Edu pt on condition and exam findings. No spec rx required at this time....